Logical Debt Roots in Mixing the Problem and Solution Mindsets

‘Buy now and pay later’ is our society’s mantra, even when it comes to model software, and that’s a fragile foundation


Map by the author

Debt is the engine of the economy. It’s the other side of investment.

When you borrow capital to start a business, debt is an irreplaceable tool. Problems arise when debt becomes a bargaining chip because losing control is the easiest, as the subprime mortgage disaster reminds us.

What does the economy have to do with software design? I'll answer you with another question: do you think those who design software are immune to the debt-based culture in which we are all immersed?

Culture is pervasive, and it shifts models from one context to another. From economy to software is a blink of an eye, primarily because the economy is massively based on software.

Back to debt, it’s a solution when the problem is spending money that’s otherwise unavailable. Like any other solution, debt is a cost that you’ll pay.

However, money is not the only currency of exchange that can constitute a debt. Another one — that is relevant when designing software — is comprehension.



Luca Vettor, The Note Strategist

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