How I Keep Writing Even If Chaos Surrounds My Life

A straightforward recipe has made my life as a writer smooth despite everything else

Luca Vettor, The Note Strategist
5 min readJun 21, 2024


Photo by Siavash Ghanbari on Unsplash

If you struggle to find time to write, this is for you!

When my second child was born, my nightmare as a side hustle writer began. Suddenly, I had zero time to write on Medium. Still, making a living with writing was and is my dream and vision; I couldn’t give up.

I tried many conventional approaches to manage my time better, but it’s hard to allocate time you don’t have. Nothing worked. The point is that no time management recipe can create time. Only efficiency gives hope.

Eventually, I crafted my writer-survival strategy, and, for me, it works! It’s a 3-step recipe:

  • Stop relying on planning to write
  • Keep the smartphone as the primary writing input
  • Start from the outline

Keep it as it is, my experience. Thanks to this, I keep writing on Medium even with zero dedicated time! I hope you can benefit from it. Let’s get started!

Time mindset: Stop relying on planning to write

When you have limited time, efficiency is paramount. Avoiding any waste is crucial to…



Luca Vettor, The Note Strategist

In order of time: econo-physician, business analyst, software developer, project manager, scrum master, technical writer, and, above all, writer.