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A Day in the Note Strategist's Life (#1)
Taking a note is like candidating a fragment of experience to become knowledge—you don't want to miss this power
Why spend time reading this article?
Note-taking demands discipline and returns perspectives of knowledge that would otherwise remain inaccessible. Enjoy the story of a day in The Note Strategist's life and enter the magic of taking notes!
Early in the morning
As often happens, this day begins with a note I cannot write: Keep a trace of what I dreamed, albeit vague. I can't do it. I forgot everything this time, too.
It rains. I hear the ticking of the drops that are crashing against the window. It's a sound I love.
My notebook is on the bedside table. I look at it but take my cell phone. That's bad, very bad. After a few minutes, I realize I'm wasting time. I put off the phone and grabbed the notebook with the pen in the middle as if it were a bookmark.
6.57 am: It’s raining. I don’t remember the dreams I had or if I had them.
I'm writing this note to warm up the pen.
The rustle on the paper is well in tune with the ticking of the rain.