PinnedLuca Vettor, The Note StrategistinNew Writers WelcomeHow I Keep Writing Even If Chaos Surrounds My LifeA straightforward recipe has made my life as a writer smooth despite everything elseJun 2142Jun 2142
Luca Vettor, The Note StrategistinCREATIVETECH FriendsThe True Magic of Reading Lies in the Notes You Take (And Connect)Reading must be much more than scrolling through the pages of a book; it's generating an ever-growing crystal of knowledge5h ago15h ago1
Luca Vettor, The Note StrategistinWrite A CatalystMake Your Reading Effort an Investment (No Matter What You Read)Everyone knows how to scroll through the pages of a book, but few know how to extract value from reading2d ago12d ago1
Luca Vettor, The Note StrategistinThe ShortformIs Reading Worth Any Money?How many dollars can you earn by reading?Oct 6Oct 6
Luca Vettor, The Note StrategistinNew Writers WelcomeHow I Keep Reading Even If Chaos Surrounds My LifeA straightforward recipe has made my life as a reader productive despite everything elseOct 3Oct 3
Luca Vettor, The Note StrategistinILLUMINATIONReading a Book Is a Writing Experience (Otherwise, You Waste Time)How note-taking changed my way of reading. Now, I read. Beforehand, I laid my eyes on the words. Get my recipe!Sep 271Sep 271
Luca Vettor, The Note StrategistinNew Writers WelcomeThe Surprising Reason Why Your Articles Aren’t Getting Noticed (And How to Fix It)Helpful answers are simple and come from where don’t you expect it fromSep 261Sep 261
Luca Vettor, The Note StrategistinWrite A CatalystSmart Note-Taking Has Been a Life-Changer for Me (Take My Writing Experience and Boost Yours)Like you, I used to take disposable notes and was happy with that until I crossed Obsidian on my journey.Sep 22Sep 22
Luca Vettor, The Note StrategistinNew Writers WelcomeHow Note-taking Leverages the Compound Rate EffectIf you are among those who underrate small steps to achieve great results, this will surprise you and change your mindSep 191Sep 191
Luca Vettor, The Note StrategistinWrite A CatalystWhy I Lost Months of Earnings on Medium (What Mistakes I Made and How I Recover)I wrote what I wanted, that’s it. Now, how do I recover?Sep 4Sep 4